Sacred Heart Parish
Youth Education
Youth Education classes are offered every Wednesday evening to parish children from First grade, through Eighth grade. Confirmation classes are held for parish High school students 9th through 11th grade. The Sacred Heart Parish religious education program focuses to provide education in the faith. The pastor has general oversight. Our coordinator locates and trains catechists, chooses texts and instructional materials. Our Administrator supervises the catechetical instruction and provides assistance to teachers and students. Catechists (teachers, co-teachers, and aides) are sought from the congregation. Volunteer catechists are always needed, as well as prayer partners and substitute catechists.
The Youth Education program is focused on faith formation through instruction using the Faith and Life Series.
Enrollment in the Youth Education program does not fulfill the Sunday obligation for Mass attendance, so students should attend a weekly Liturgy.
Registration and parent meeting occurs in August with classes beginning in September.